And the haters go berserk

Well, what’s up, people? Are you all going crazy and suffering from serious cases of entitlement? The second best thing happening to guitar players is just available and all you got is hate? The PROFILER unshackled you all from tubes and pedals and cabs and all that yesterday’s crappy stuff that made the existence, the being of guitar players so unbearable… to them themselves, their bandmates, and management calculating transport cost for touring.
Now it gets even better. All the tones you can get from the “big” PROFILERs are now available to the small convenient Player pedal. Just put it into your gig bag and off you go. To play anywhere, with no shipping cost. This is what we have dreamed about. We always wanted to be free from gear and weight and bulky shit … to have all our time for our music and our playing! Did we?
Or are you all just mentally challenged and do not feel whole without some “stuff” you can hide behind? Really? Shut up and play your guitars!!! That’s the only thing that counts. Everything else is just utter bullshit. The PROFILER Player Upgrade LVL III costs 300,- bucks … Okay, less would be nice but still … what does one single pedal cost? Give me a break. How much did extra luggage cost, the last time you toured? Get a life and grade up! π There is nothing better.
And now finally you can beat your singer to the bar. As you will be the one person in the band who has packed up first. Always! Even faster as the singer can hand his mic to the bass player asking him to pack it up again.
And now finally you can beat your singer to the bar. As you will be the one person in the band that has packed up first. Always! Even faster as the singer can hand his mic to the bass player asking to pack it up again.

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